Memorized Views

Parameters used to set the viewing and scene positions in the Main Graphics Window can be saved and reused as Memorized Views. The Memorized Views List allows users to conveniently set up a list of custom views, and quickly recheck views from commonly used viewing angles.

To access the list of Memorized Views, select the Edit | Memorized Views List menu item.

Memorized Views are organized into folders, and reside within one of two top-level folders: "user_lib" and "workspace". Memorized Views residing in the "user_lib" folder are saved to the Preferences File of a user, and therefore are available for all VISRAD workspaces read in by the user. Memorized Views residing in the "workspace" folder are saved to the workspace file the user is currently working on, and therefore are not available to other workspaces.

Memorized Views can be moved from one folder to another by dragging with the mouse.

A combo box providing a list of Memorized Views can also be displayed in the Main Window toolbar. The items available for selection are those in the User Library list of the Memorized Views dialog. To show or hide the box, select the Show List of Memorized Views check box in User Interface tab of the Preferences dialog.

For each Memorized View, the following parameters are stored:


Saving Views:

Views can be added either to the User Library or Workspace. To memorize a view currently displayed in the Main Graphics Window, set up the desired view and click the Current View button in either the Add Views to User Library box or the Add Views to Workspace box, and enter a name for the view.

Alternatively, a list of views for angles corresponding to Diagnostics Ports can also be saved. To do this, click one of the Diagnostic Ports buttons, select one or more Diagnostic Ports, and enter the Distance to Scene below the list of ports. Note that the list of ports can be sorted by column; so, for example, a list of TIM's can easily be identified for the OMEGA chamber.

Editing Views:

Individual Memorized Views can be edited. In this case, all parameters for the Viewing Position and Scene Position can be edited (much like using the Set | Viewing Position menu item in the Main Window).

In the case of simultaneously editing more than one Memorized View, only the Distance to Scene can be edited.

Displaying Views:

To show a Memorized View in the Main Graphics Window, either double-click on the view in the Memorized Views List, or press the Go To Selected View button.

Exporting Images of Views:

Multiple Memorized Views can be exported to image files with one operation. To do this, select one or more items in the Memorized Views List, and press the Export Images button. The user then specifies the image size (which is applied to all images), and the base file name. Each view name is then applied to base file name (e.g., for a base name of "test", the "H18 (TIM #3)" and "P6 (TIM #4)" view file names would be "test_H18_(TIM_#3).jpg" and "test_P6_(TIM_#4).jpg").



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